In the season of darkness, we have holidays that celebrate light: Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Solstice. Give yourself the gift of light this season and/or treat others!
OrLanu is pleased to offer a Zoom Lamp Building Workshop: two 90 minute sessions, Sundays, Jan 10 and 17th from 7:00-8:30 PM CST. Space is limited, on a first-come basis, and the registration deadline is Dec. 28.
This is a wonderful opportunity to build a beautiful illuminated paper lamp that will serve as a luminous reminder of your own unique light and how you can share it with the world. There will also be time for wisdom sharing, reflection and ceremony. You can choose from a selection of beautiful papers and we’ll mail you a kit which contains all the necessary supplies. The enrollment fee, which includes all supplies, is $50 plus a $10 fee for shipping and handling. Here’s an introductory video:
Please note that although this workshop is being sponsored by a Jewish nonprofit, the workshop is secular and open to all faiths. Light is universal!
Note: If you can’t make the Zoom workshop, but still wish to make a lamp, we have a limited number of lamp kits available for those who wish to trial our newly created written/video tutorial materials. Just note this on the registration form.

Be the light. Share it.
Option A

Option C

Option E

Option B

Option D

Option F