Chaya Vogel

Light #49

From: Madison WI
Classification: Other Light-Maker

My story encompasses who I am based on those in my family who preceded me. I believe I am me to a large extent because of their triumphs as well as their suffering. That being said, I decided to take part in the lights project because I felt it wound be a meaningful tribute to the 39 members of my own family who perished in the holocaust.

The idea of using lamps that we created ourselves, symbolizes that not only can we add more light to the world to so-to-speak replace the lost light from the precious souls that were brutally extinguished, but that each of us have the ability to add our “own” light both physically and spiritually to this world.

Our job here on campus in Madison allows us to connect to Jews at all ends of the spectrum. The goal is to find commonalities and to provide an open non- judgmental environment in which we could grow and connect to our heritage. This is the light that we hope to bring to the world. Thank you David Moss for making this project a reality.

