Eva Zaret

Light #23

Hatred begets hatred.

Age: 82
From: Milwaukee WI
Classification: Survivor

Eva is a Survivor from the Budapest Ghetto. She lost her father and much of her family but she was able to save her mother. “Hatred is so easy to fall into that you don’t recognize it when you start hating some people. It just boomerangs. Hatred begets hatred.”

Eva has spoken to countless audiences with a special focus on high school students. She tells them: “There is no such thing as good bullying. Bullying is bad. Saying lies (is) bad. You have to tell the truth, and good people have to speak out.”

76 years after holding her father’s hand for the last time, Eva traveled to Baraboo High School where a photograph of the students giving a Nazi salute had garnered national attention. Instead of scolding the students, she patiently said, “Look, I know you didn’t mean to show hate by doing this. It was a foolish act.” Then she shared her story and inspired them. Eva got a standing ovation and hugs from each of the students.

Says Eva: “My light will remind me how precious is our people, how short is our time on earth. Light is what the world needs, now more than ever.”

Dedication: My light is dedicated to the life and memory of Raiza, my grandmother.
