Scott Lone

Light #22

Vanishing Voices.

Age: 55
From: Port Washington WI
Classification: Holocaust Educator

Vanishing Voices

The time is coming,
Witnesses will be no more.
But not forgotten.

The story,
Their stories,
Must be remembered –
And told.
And over.
And over again.

Each moment,
Each precious moment spent together,
Must be remembered.
Boisterous laughter,
Jokes not intended for the faint of heart,
Tear-streaked cheeks,
Meals shared,
Frozen custard trips,
Guys days out.
Each one sealed,
Forever remembered.

Who will remember?
Who will tell their stories?
If not me, then whom?

It has to be me.
I’m the steward.
Their stories held close,
Told to students, friends, family.
Loss, survival, new life.
Marriages, sons and daughters.
Successful businesses.
It has to be me.

Hitler didn’t win.
They won.
I won.
Each person who hears the story –
They win.

Time is of the essence.
Spend time.
Listen closely.
Never forget.
-Scott Lone

Dedication: Dedicated to the Holocaust survivors whose stories I have been witness to, especially Nathan Taffel who survived the atrocity and has taught me how to laugh, love, and find light.
