Elizabeth Falkos
Light #8
Be the light.
Name: Elizabeth Falkos
Light #: 8
Classification: Other Light-Maker
Dedication: To the Kaufman and Roth families.
Beth is a resident of Madison, Wisconsin who was drawn to the Six Million Lights project by her personal belief that we all need to “be the light.” She has been blessed by her friendship with a kindred spirit who has shared stories of her Jewish traditions and family history over the years. Beth believes in the importance of ecumenical friendships and connections of people of all faiths. As a sign language interpreter, she is a proponent of the rights of Deaf individuals and carries the knowledge of how the Deaf community was impacted by the Holocaust. She is grateful for the blessings of family, community, friends, and the natural world. Shine on.
Dedication: To the Kaufman and Roth families.
Light and love for the lost
Light and love for the survivors.
Never again.
Memorial For Deaf In Israel
The Holocaust Memorial for Deaf Jews was established at the Helen Keller Center in Tel Aviv, Israel in January, 1991. This Memorial was set up to honor the memory of the six thousand deaf Jews who perished in the Holocaust. The first donation made in 1989 to help start this Memorial was made by the German government. Mr. Ernst Walthemathe, a member of the Bundestag initiated this. The memorial includes a small sculpture and a wall listing the names of outstanding personalities and leaders, friends and family members who lost their lives in the Holocaust.
Chaim Herzog, president of Israel at that time, wrote “The erection of the “Yizkor” site in the Helen Keller Center, in memory of the thousands of deaf Jews, murdered by the Nazis is a very important initiative to all those, who perished in this terrible Holocaust, whose noise they did not hear, but whose blood streamed in the rivers of blood of their communities.”